
I have Banner Saga Trilogy for theswitch coming in tomorrow but most likely not opening it yet since I still have a number of games to beat before. I also redownloaded Red Dead Redemption 2 so I could try the new online stuff. Besides all that Ill also start leveling my AST in Final Fantasy XIV.

Hell Tifa doing pull-ups with the muscle gym guys is all I really needed.

Maybe instead of how in the original all SOLDIERS have pretty much the same model, these are the guys at the top?

I wish they had shown Cloud in his dress.

I’m here for Tifa doing pull ups.

I really think we wont see him until the game is released. But we wont get to play as him until whenever the next part released.

Yea I should of put more thought into that comment. Yes you can grind gold in RDO but (as least when I was playing) the missions gave out such small amounts that it seemed like it wasn’t worth it. Once got .03 nuggets from that one mission that has you raid a fort.

I think its so much worst since at least in GTAO you can grind to buy stuff. I don’t need a separate currency if I want to buy a hanger or a $5 million dollar car.

Have they added Heist style missions yet? I remember one character in a mission hinting towards him contacting you to rob a train at some point but I havent played RDO since I think the start of the year.

I went Golden Deer for my first play through since I liked the mix of nobles and commoners. I kept everyone alive the entire game up until the final battle. I let Lorenz die just so everyone else could kill the enemy after. If it was anyone else I would of reversed time to fix it, especially Lysithea, Dorothea, Leonie

Its so weird that I can say I really like everything single character in this game...except Lorenz. I get the reason on why he acts the way he does but god damn man take a hint you come off as a noble prick.

My friend isnt a big fan of zelda and didnt really like BOTW so I always tell him he needs to play Link to the past and Ocarina of Time. Well I get a text at 1 in the morning saying he just spent 2 hours playing LTTP... im so happy for him.

Dorothea and Ingrid support convos are great. Also I love that Dorothea flirts with just everyone. Shes the best.

You kinda make me want to sub to xbox live again just to play SWB2 again.

PS4 Pro is super quiet when its just on the menus. It also starts up in like 5-10 seconds.

My friend is stubborn and doesnt like downloading stuff he doesnt need. I also have a newer iphone and that does not come with the headphone adapter so I cant use my headphones.

That already started last week when the case first appeared.

I hope this has in game voice chat over the nintendo switch app thing. Me and my friend were playing splatoon 2 and using our PS4 as voice chat.

Oh trust me I know. Starting with Call of Duty 2, we have had a new COD game every single year since 2005...

I feel like the downfall of the series was when it started going towards the Jackass style humor and giving Bam Margera a bigger role.