
Does this count if it will be 30 days during the promotion? I ended mines on 3/18.

...Damn I was trying to wait for shadowbringer to come out before resubbing but now it looks like ill be playing this weekend.

Ya that had you doing like different fates over a few weeks. And now the lightning gear is for sale on the mog station. 

Thats completely my fault since I have the song on my iphone as Jaldabaoth. This entire time I thought that was the official name.

While France owns the building, the archdiocese of paris is responsible for the upkeep.

Or the fact that the catholic church can afford to fix it on their own. They are worth billions.

Check out Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. I dont know if every ep but they use some good guest voices. Personal favorite is amy sedaris as a sailor moon like warrior who has gone crazy and learns about democracy.

I was hoping the final boss music would of made it but it did not :(

Just so I understand...she got off a plane and was able to buy a shotgun with no waiting period and I assume a out of state ID?

Oh my god this is what I have been waiting for. I hope its true and if Altus was feeling crazy they would toss in a P1/P2 character in.

I really hope its overnight so I can play omw to work.

I wonder how a street fighter or a darkstalkers game would look on the RE Engine now.

This was one of the least crazier things Acclaim did to try to stay in business back then. As you can tell it didnt work.

Holy fuck that was insane. I didnt see this one yet but fucking hell.

Nintendo has been pretty chill about these things since the gamecube. BMX XXX was uncensored on that and original Xbox but censored on the ps2.

Alot of VN games that come to consoles tend to have the sex stuff remove (Fate/Stay is a great example). So to make more changes just seems time-consuming. And then if Nintendo is ok with it why would I ever buy the game on the PS4 when I can play it on the switch?

This sounds like some SNES Mortal Kombat vs Genesis Mortal Kombat shit right here.

If this was a retail bundle those would be the games I trade in right away.

This could of been the budget line to get people into buying more xboxes (like the 2DS XL).

I was flipped off twice this morning and that was just on the 6 train!