My original idea of a healing dancer would use the combination mechanics as different dance moves.
My original idea of a healing dancer would use the combination mechanics as different dance moves.
That was my friends shower when I went to visit him at Clark Univeristy in Boston. I stood there for 5 minutes working up the courage to go in only to give up and wait till I made it back to New York.
I always assumed the fights were already balanced for regular dps and it the players that came up with having healers/tanks also do damage? I personally hate healing and trying to do damage since Im on a PS4 and will sometimes screw up swapping to my dps crossbar. This may be old wow mentality but if im a healer I…
Do you even play FFXIV? Bards are ranged DPS in the game.
For me the minute they announced Viera I already knew I wanted to be a bunny girl so that doesn’t affect me. I’m just tired of playing AST/SCH/WHM. I have all 3 at level 70 with end game gear and its just so boring. At least I have gunblade to level and never touch...I feel like i’m a bad tank on ps4.
So I already live with 2 roommates who are fine people. Little issues but nothing big. When their friend (who ill call Alex going forward) got kicked out by his baby Mama, they let him stay on the couch and he would cover the cable and light. It went fine for maybe just a week.
Besides the lack of a healing class Im so ready to leave 4.0 and move on to 5.0. This expansion has been fun but it just didn’t hold me attention much. I was only coming back for the patches and then would be gone again a month later.
See Iv been under the impression that FFXIV is Square’s piggy bank that they keep breaking into and not filling it back up.
I feel like people are upset at the wrong thing. They should be more upset that the game still hasn’t gotten a new healing job since 3.0.
I think the only time you even hear the word Marvel is Nick Fury at the end and Carol keeps correcting him.
What comic was this from?
Was number 1 Arrow? If so then wonder how they gonna fill in both shows.
The first 5 seasons were some god damn great TV...and then it kept going.
I had to play some Carry on Wayward Son after hearing this. Arrow ending and now this is putting me into shock.
At this point I feel like Shaq is the brand ambassador of everything. I didnt even know General Insurance was a thing until the ads with Shaq.
Im just guessing but maybe the deal used only certain marvel characters? When they started doing the marvel stuff at universal Guardians were nowhere as big as they are now.
Wait...isn’t this the plot of a early south park episode?
...fucking hell this really dropped off the radar.
I remember when the story first broke and it was a big deal for like a weekend, then dead silence. Good to have an update.
Ah OK that’s even better. I remember the tech demo for the luminous studio engine and after a quick google it seems to have only been used 1 time...Final Fantasy XV.