I have zero clue what ima do if they were to shut down vita servers. I only have a 16gb memory card and I dont know if you can find them anymore. Like 85% of my games on it is from PS+.
I have zero clue what ima do if they were to shut down vita servers. I only have a 16gb memory card and I dont know if you can find them anymore. Like 85% of my games on it is from PS+.
You just have to add them to your libary and thats it. As long as you have PS+ you wont lose them.
Meanwhile Im playing Leon B last night, get trapped by 2 zombies and end up dying...after running around gathering all these damn items. I always get hit by something.
Yea I forgot about Dark Forces. The only one I had wanted to play was Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast. I think I had played Dark Forces on PS1 but it was so long ago I cant remember.
The entire Jedi Master series is one that I kick myself for not playing when they first came out on PC.
My first reaction: Oh yea I have an Xbox One I forgot about that.
It would be like Uncle Ben telling Peter “With great powers...fuck everyone else!”
Yea I had to cancel netflix cause after Daredevil Season 3 I wasnt interested in anything else. But now with the price increase I dont even want to sub again. Im pretty fine with Hulu and whatever random shit I see on cable (go go DVR!).
I got this deal too. Over the holidays they did a $1 a month deal for an entire year. I should of canceled and used a new email for that.
Seriously. I played RE2 on my vita last year so I still remember the general layout. When I played the remake demo and while the layout at first seemes the same, it got very very different.
Nah he was in the original. They expanded his role a bit but idk how much since the demo had him speak more then all of his lines in the original re2.
Rival Schools was awesome. I wish some characters ended up in Street Fighter.
I tried it once but forgot to change the controls. I kinda like it on my tv since its big enough to make the view look good without having to do that vertical mode in handheld mode.
You can do this on ikaruga switch version too.
I love that NR Studio has gone full comic book logic for the MK storyline. It may not make sense but Its great.
The first time I saw that victory animation I couldn’t stop laughing. I was not expecting a nintendo character to work a pole.
I need Jade back.
I may start my sub again tonight to mess around as a blue mage until RE2 and KH3 release. I havent played in a few months so im sure I havent missed much.
Doesnt the couple lift off into the air at one point? Its been awhile since I attended a FFXIV wedding.
Why dont you provide the sources if your the one bringing it up? If not then dont bother commenting.