
This is one of those cheap 9am showings...but I may need to borrow someones kid so I dont look like a weirdo.

The way Psyduck looks may give me nightmares.

Wow I think I had the Art of Soul Calibur 2 since it was a pre-order bonus back then.

I remember buying this diablo 2 collection that came with the game and the guide. I think by that time the guide was already out of date.

I honestly cant remember since the last time I played was when the game came out...I should buy it on the PSN for my vita at some point.

Thats great. When I was working at this eye care center that was also part of a university (part of SUNY), we had to train on a new medical system and they provided labtops. The one I got just happen to have League of Legends on it.

God damn now thats how you get me to buy a guide.

Im not sure if it was Prima or Brady but the guide for Chrono Cross was shit since it would not tell how what is the order you had to cast the elements in for the final boss to get the good ending. It really said “oh we not going to tell but its here somewhere in the guide. You look for it.”

Activision happen.

yea im just gonna consider you a troll since your ignoring facts. In case you want to smarten up, here is another link that shows that the PS1 had a dual shock controller.

What are you talking about? The first DS came out in November 1997 in Japan/May 1998 in the US. Metal Gear Solid 1 even supported it (psycho mantis ask you to put the controller down and he “moves” it with the rumble. Even Resident Evil Director’s cut supported the dual shock controller. Maybe you should of googled

Tell me about it. My PS4 backlog is horrible. I bought Horizon Zero Dawn a year ago and I still havent gotten to it. Same with Mass Effect...and like 30 other games I bought on sale.

Pretty much the same. My SNES Classic sits in a carrying case. I think I have hooked it up twice since I got it.

It was a big miss not to have dual shock controllers. They could have switched up the line up a bit, like putting in ape escape.

In the latest Smash direct there was something in his eyes that said “im done. please stop asking me for shit. I want to go back to Kirby.”

I think i just played the beta but I enjoyed the flight stuff.

I wish I could play hearthstone again but I just learned that the iOS version is bugged and blizz doesnt seem to be in any hurry to fix it.

More RDR 2 of course. Been taking my sweet time, not trying to rush everything (still on chapter 2). I plan on hunting tonight and making some of those new bags. 

The thing is they wouldn’t use that money to fund another studio, it will go to all the executives as their yearly bonuses.

His real name is Vincent Adultman.