
So how many more rapist’s dick get shot off?

I already have 2 blunts ready for this.

I still remember him and the asari party memeber arguing about something having to do with his race being considered gods in the present. I cant remember the exact convo.

Ya and he was a pretty important part of the mass effect backstory.

Thats the match up screen? Didnt the old ones who the in game models and you can have the characters shout at each other before the fight starts?

I feel you on Octopath. I have 2 more chapter 2s to do but the game is such a grind and sometimes just feels empty.

I hope you like DQ8. Personally I prefer the PS2 version since they redid the soundtrack to be done by a full orchestra. Im hoping we get a date soon on the switch version of DQ11.

Yakuza 0!!! I love how fast the tone can change from a serious japanese crime drama to craziness in the matter of minutes. Im 30 hours into it and only hit chapter 7.

As far as I know, Yu-Gi-Oh.

This was one of the questions on the 8/14/18 episode. They answered in order 8-32-4.

I love when fox explains to that one guy what would happen if bruce wayne was actually batman. Just the look in the guys face when he goes “spends his time on the rooftops, beating criminals with his bare hands and you want to black mail him? Good luck!”

If you could get it with a good memory card as cheap as you can go for it. I think its actually a pretty good handheld that sony just kept kicking in the gut over and over.

Ummm my mom used to take me on her drug runs when I was little. She would even leave me with other kids while her and other parents shoot up.

I never tried it very far since I was on wi-fi but it world work great in my house when I just didnt want to leave the bed.

or even those sony memory cards that they used for the psp and its camera’s.

I used to use the remote play for ffxiv when i was just gathering items.

Its driving me crazy since I have heard that song before in another tv show. I want to say simpsons at some point but I think im wrong.

Oh no I messed it all up. I didnt know the ages but the oldest had to have been around 10, the second kid that had the baby bag must of been 6-8 and then they had a baby that was at least 1 year old since it was in a carriage. Sorry im horrible grammar and not proof reading. No clue how I passed english.

I never made it past that part where you had to carry TNT without jumping or getting hit.

Wouldnt you consider Victor a peon? I know his been working with Gus for a while by the time of BB but Gus did personally slice his neck in front of everyone to send a message.