me and my friends played the first day PUBG came out on xbox...never played it again.
me and my friends played the first day PUBG came out on xbox...never played it again.
Never played sun but I have ultra moon and the beginning is the worst thing iv seen in pokemon. Its all just stop and go, stop and go. I come back every few weeks, move a few steps, and then shut it off.
One of those atelier games on ps3. I really really didnt like it.
Iv been playing Starship assault on xbox and that seems to be where everyone is at.
I bought it last week for $10 on xbox and have only done starship assault. I think its more fun then the other modes. Heros vs Villains is a close second only cause I knocked Kylo Ren off a stage as Han Solo.
Is there any way to kill it and what do you get if you can?
Im not a lawyer so I cant talk about how contracts work but hopefully they had something in place the first time? And even so how much could it be to pay for his likeness and the parts where its Reno speaking french? I know this shit is over my head but i can hope.
Let me know when they remaster Onimusha 3 so I can play as Jean Reno in all his HD glory.
It was a mix of luck and the cousin’s ego. The second cousin had Hank but he said it was too slow and went back to get the axe, giving Hank time to load the gun. The cousin did just watch his brother get crushed by a car so im sure he wasnt thinking straight.
All I ask is to just get the music right. Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack is so awesome.
There is one guy in Civil War that gets hit so hard im pretty sure his forgotten how to breath.
I don’t think people realize FF games tend to be linear at the start only to open up later. FFXIII is different since it closes off areas, which was a dumb mistake on square.
Do you recommend Hyrule Warriors? Never played those kind of games.
I try to match based on weapons for now. I dont want to have one character using a class that has most of the same weapons. Also im skipping the 5,000 jp abilites for now so I can just learn the skills.
Its actually really good. It loses points for the way the story is (only did a few chapters 2 so still dont know if things are connected) but everything else is great. The art is beautiful, love the music and the gameplay is fun.
I feel that way about most of mad max fury road...then I found out most of those stunts were actually preformed and all i can think is “how did these people not die?”
I cant get into online FPS due to being horrible but I liked the modes in Titanfall that just let me be a giant robot.
My roommate is too stupid to think of that.
This expansion iv been playing a few months and then take a break for 1-2. Every time it starts feeling like a job and im just forcing myself online for tomes then I gotta step back. Still love everything about the game (the music especially!).
When Jason writes his next book, I hope FFXIV gets its own chapter. The issues with 1.0 and the relaunch to 2.0 sounds like it will be a great read.