From what I’ve parsed together through various accounts, there are a few unmarked offices strewn across the Capitol building which are used to store the electoral votes from the states when they’re not on the Senate floor for certification.
From what I’ve parsed together through various accounts, there are a few unmarked offices strewn across the Capitol building which are used to store the electoral votes from the states when they’re not on the Senate floor for certification.
Bob and Linda Belcher.
Life goals in every category.
There is a real reason that it’s a federal holiday. In 1891, eleven Italians were lynched in New Orleans. It was the largest mass lynching in the American South. It took place the day after nine of the men had been acquitted in the trial of the murder of the New Orleans police chief David Hennessy.
Why do people keep saying you can’t compared apples and oranges? Of course you can, oranges are better.
Dag! I didn’t know The Root had merch! Too bad I’m as broke as the Ten Commandments.😕
HAHAHA.. you are funny..
Why not just put the suitcase on the scale?
Not sure I get the point of the Press ‘N Seal. If you get a spill, you’ll still have to clean it up before removing the Press ‘N Seal so it seems like less work to just clean up the spill and not have to remove every single item from the shelf to replace the Press ‘N Seal.
Forget how well it does at keeping nuts from seizing, I want to know how hard it is to clean. I get a single drop on the tip of my pinky finger and an hour later I look like the Tin Man. Then months later, I pick up a sock that happened to be the garage at the time of my adventures in Oz and I end up repeating my…
Fuck that. The closing on my house took 45 minutes - and I was spending 20 times what I spent on my last car.
Plus now he has the whole day to himself!
You could try County portals. Sometimes those have better interfaces.
That’s because it’s so common they’d never get anything done if they checked on all the kids who got laid out. There’d be no time for growth. No time for teaching. No time for going with your gut. No time for liking the cut of someone’s jib. No time to double-down. No time to fourth meal. No time to just do it. No…
Oddly enough all three of them are still being paid by the Mets.
You’d think he, of all people, would heed Nancy Reagan’s advice to Just Sano.
Todd Frazier is an adult man, and not a dumb child
The germans thank you for establishing which Currywurst
“But I couldn’t get the PDF to load”
*being carried outside of museum, dropping crayons