
Segments like:

If only you made Bronn a guest on the show.

“Hippolyta? Why did you say that name?”

I know how the fight was resolved between Wonder Woman and mind-controlled Superman because the script has already leaked. Batman breaks Maxwell Lord’s neck, which would have went over really well with the Bat-fans I think.

She stood out at FOX News because she was what passed for ethical and thoughtful there. Sadly for her, being the most ethical person at FOX News doesn’t actually make someone an ethical person in the rest of the world. Someone who looks thoughtful standing next to Hannity and O’Reilly still has plenty of space to be a

I would assume that Beelzebub has a pretty awesome rewards points system. I’m sure his point accumulation formulas are probably stingy — say 1 point for every 25 innocent virgins corrupted (instead of Baal’s more generous 5 points for every 3 virgins). And it is almost certain that his super-fancy toaster oven that

Don’t worry, folks. NBC has a fallback plan...

I try to reuse the original clip but they’re the same color as my counter top so I can’t always find it.