
That’s what I’m leaning towards as well. I totally understand that creative people need room to spread their wings and try different stuff, but if that different stuff amounts to a lot of swearing, I have to question their creativity in the first place.

it also seems very likely that his *frankly self-imposed* long stretch of only making child-friendly output has prevented a healthier expression of adulthood, manifesting in this f-bomb happy persona, like a 12 year old trying to impress folks at the Adult Table by cursing constantly.

Exactly. I wish I could go back to my late teens/early 20s and punch myself for thinking the same shit when I was his age. Meh, he’ll learn life isn’t all about dropping f bombs and offending as many people as you possibly can when he runs out of cash.

He wants to be able to get away with saying whatever heinous shit comes into his head—and he thinks is ~comedy~—without being “policed” for it.

Kind of just sounds like he wants to be able to drop F-bombs and generally be ~edgy~ without having to deal with the fact that his primary subscriber base is kids-to-teenagers playing a game he himself got into when he was a teenager. No problem with that, I feel; but let’s just call it what it is:

Why does an article about shitty behavior by Sanders supporters, at a convention or directed at a party leader, need to be about criticisms of Hillary? Why even bring it up?

The Bernie Bros are really pernicious though, at least in the places I talk politics (young liberal folks).

Are you seriously talking about the thing with the actor? Because if so...dude. C’mon.

What this bitch did is nothing short of criminal.

Just one thing: why would anyone criticize Clinton’s pivot on gay marriage? What’s the argument there? She was wrong and so she should stay wrong, because...? She should never come around to the correct position? She should have been right in the first place, but she wasn’t so fuck her?

Aggressive, violent threats directed toward women are widespread and underreported. I like Bernie, too, and I voted for him, but you’re human garbage if you think the right thing to do is to sweep this behavior under the rug for the sake of the campaign.

My feeling is, if these had been Trump supporters, would we be so concerned with “telling both sides” and “not painting people with a broad brush”? We already know the answer to this, and it’s no, we would not. We also wouldn’t be satisfied when the candidate in question mumbles a bit about not supporting violence but

OMG did you literally just say she was clearly taking orders from “some man” and that’s why she did something evil? Jesus, this is Jezebel, can we at least give women credit for being evil on their own without needing a man to tell them what to do...?

Just like most people at a Trump rally are not violent when some of them become so it becomes news.

Are you seriously equating a near-riot at a convention and a woman getting multiple threatening texts every few seconds altercation between an actor and another couple in a late-night incident? No, they aren’t nearly equate-able. Why even bring that up if not to excuse and distract?

Exactly this. It’s not about which candidate you support or whether you think the system is rigged or whether you think Hillary Clinton eats dead puppies for lunch (she does).

What people don’t understand is that those “Berniebros” that ruined the convention are most likely former Ron Paul 2012 supporters that pulled the same bullshit during the 2012 Nevada Republican convention. That’s something to think about.

“There is a video of it not happening, for crying out loud.”

Jeez, you’re as a bad as men who start notallmenning you the minute you point out problems among men.