
It was just light painted. The reason it looks weird is because the photographer doesn’t show a lightsource for the lighting on the camera side, so the car looks like it’s glowing. Your brain notices that it’s unnatural for there to be light right there because there is no light source, and the lights you can see are

That’s dumb. Not all of them were morons. It’s fun to jump a shitbox car. Why does that make someone a moron?
Is your idea of having a great time, reading the climax chapter of a thrilling novel? Is your idea of an adrenaline rush, entering a door clearly marked “Exit” at the grocery store?

Wow.... I was blown away when I saw the graphics on FFVIII.... I remember them being so good...

Doesn’t really work like that... There is more to issuing a warrant than just “issue a warrant”. It has to be signed by a judge first.. What would the warrant be for? They would have to be able to prove without reasonable doubt that you committed the crime they are charging you with.
“Moving a vehicle with a window

Just video for under $10 a month? I have the full Prime membership and it only cost me $100 for a full year... Did I just get lucky and sign up during a promotion?

Everyone is a mannequin in still photos.... always.
Video Jason... We need video of these cars doing the mannequin challenge.


hmm.. doesn’t seem wrong to me.. you even quoted the reason.

Hang on one damn minute.. I thought it was agreed that we don’t say anything to make the college girls stop wearing yoga pants. Regardless if they actually do yoga. Come on man...
We all know it’s ridiculous.. but we like it.

I can actually attest to this. When I went over my budget because money was somehow vanishing, I realized I spent an exorbitant amount every month on alcohol ($160 a month) and more ridiculously a stupid amount on Redbull.. ($100 a month).

Holy shit. Never stop this trolling hahaha

Ahahaha! best response ever.

Mid engine corvette at Barrett-Jackson had doors that opened with pretty much the same mechanism. Thing was ugly but extremely custom. Also, why am I grey again? Can I please be un-grey’d?

So you have zero expenses..

Isn’t this pretty much what he does before big fights? He talks as much shit as he can and tries to get in his opponents head.... Seems to work ok for him.

Fuck off. I stayed home. You know why? Because neither Trump nor Hillary earned my vote. You don’t get my fucking vote just because you think you are the “less bad”. All those dipshits that voted because “Well I don’t want the other person to win” can fuck right off too. Unintelligent, uneducated, and ridiculous.

No... then pretty much every car at SEMA would be call “Custom car”...
Friend: “Did you see that custom car at SEMA?!”

I just don’t see what the problem is..

...I hate this place more and more everyday. (Yes, I’m aware I don’t have to be here...)