
Ah Rusto is only used by the kids who rack it from walmart and paint their handles on fences. haha Old school

Well.. not everyone understands what art is.. Your comment being the case.
Art IS subjective. And if you you are creating art, you are an artist. Whether it’s music, painting, automotive customization, fabrication, martial arts, etc

I would wear a respirator even back when I did wall mural work. Spray paint is nasty stuff. Most of the old school graf artists are pretty fucked up in the head these days from breathing that shit.

I would bet they wore masks for the majority of the paint work.

Montana Colors mtn94 is muuuuuch better than krylon. A bit more expensive too haha

I would guess between his use of MTN94 paint and the song “All the way up” he is a legit artist, primarily in the style of graffiti, or spray paint. In the world of graffiti getting up and staying up is life. Their form with the can looked like this isn’t their first time.
I personally think the paint job is ugly, but

No one who has such twinges should ever be allowed to touch a firearm. Because too many of them end up shooting people.

Sorry, when I referred to the 2 car length distance it was related to the speed at which this happened at. You are right though, people often don’t follow this rule which is partially the reason I was rear ended once on March 11th and then again on March 14th... ouch. The other reason for that was a teenage girl

Tailgating IS based entirely on whether or not there is “safe” distance... That’s why they have the 2 car length distance which, proven in this video, is a “safe” distance...
Furthermore, this “safe” distance IS measured by average vehicle braking ability... Did you think some dude was just like “eh, two car lengths

Correct. This will be meticulously restored.
At the shop I work at, the average frame off restoration runs between $70,000-$90,000. A car like this would likely be well over $100K in parts and labor. Which isnt really that bad. Hell.. we have a 71 El Camino SS that we are just finishing up a complete concourse nut and

This cannot be right.. right? It’s definitely a rodent..

Yeah, case in point.. She only got attention from OTHER mustang people...

Tampering with OEM emissions... So if I have a COBB AP, I can have my daily tune, my eco tune, and my race tune... then when it’s time for emissions I throw my stock exhaust back on and load the OEM tune. Pass with flying colors. (AWD so no roller testing, just tailpipe and visual)
So will the EPA be going after

No you’re comparing wrong. It would be “A girl would be more excited in a faster louder plane than a slower quieter one” (False, it’s just a plane to her. She gives no fucks)

Honestly, I just feel like mustang guys are weird... all of them I have met are.. just, ..weird. I dunno.
My girlfriend drives an 05 GT wrapped

Yeah.. sorry to break it to you buddy.. but the only people who care about mustangs are other mustang guys...

*regardless ..sorry habit.

Love that drive. I drive from Phoenix up to Idaho Falls a couple times a year and always love the drive. I take the 89 all the way up to Kingston, just past that is the 153 Junction that takes you through the mountains to Beaver & I-15. Man.. that 30 miles of twists, turns, and stunning views makes the whole 14 hour

ohhh...... you’re one of THOSE people... ehh, sorry man.

Why so much hate for IPA? ....I love the hops.. should I be ashamed? haha really though..

Motorcycle guy is a Vet. I think there is a gofundme to help him get a new bike. (Pretty sure his bike is covered though)