
The thing is though, when you fat-shame Sarah Huckabee Sanders, you’re not *just* fat-shaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You’re trashing the millions of women who look just like her and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they hear this shit and don’t take it as a personal blow. It’s no different than people who

Every time we comment or joke about someone’s appearance — when that has little or nothing to do with their job — we are A) being fucking shitty and B) taking away focus from the real issues : that they’re bad at their job, or just a trash person in general. I don’t care what SHS looks like. I care that she’s an inept

I don’t worry about Sanders’ self-esteem. What I worry about is the message it sends to others, particularly young girls: “everyone knows that being fat is a worse crime than defending a racist”. Meaning if you are a nice girl who happens to be fat the message is you should be ashamed of yourself, because the person

I’m not replying to mean things, or to fat-shaming. She’s bustier, and she has a chin that makes her face look heavier than the rest of her body. She stands behind a podium. This woman is odious, but not because of her looks or her weight, but because of her politics. Because she supports this administration. The

This reminds me of that roast of Ann Coulter where so many just resorted to “lol horse face ugly lady” instead of poking at any of the incredibly low-hanging fruit that Ann Coulter offers.

I’m not entirely surprised that Chelsea would grab such low hanging fruit. Insulting someone’s appearance is the epitome of laziness.

Actually, admitting something you’ve ALREADY done, as this priest did, is still protected. Just like if you tell your lawyer yes, you did murder someone, that’s protected. What you’re referring to is if I tell my therapist that I’m GOING to kill someone, which can/should be disclosed.

priest confidentiality should end at felonies

Well, it’s not subjective. It’s objective. And the line has everything to do with the guidelines put in place by various governing bodies and committees. I am ethically obligated to report child abuse, but if I have an adult client disclose to me that they are a victim of spousal abuse by their partner, I am not

Gosh, I guess I am a bad person now that you mention it.

I totally get that impulse to say he should have told as soon as he knew. But I can also see the priest’s side of it and how difficult that would be. Think about it: Breaking the seal of the confessional will get you not just defrocked but excommunicated. For someone so committed to their religious life that they

The priest is doing his job according to the law as well. Priest-penitent privilege is a real, legal thing. And the lawyer gives fair representation in court, a Catholic priest provides representation to god.

I would not have to report for a general “safety threat” to the public. For me to report I would have to believe a specific person was at risk of being killed (in the future, not past). I then would have a duty to directly warn that person if possible. Please the Tarasoff case for more information.

How is this more fucked up than literally every other religion’s god that allows murderers and rapists to walk around, unpunished?

No because a lawyer is doing his job according to the law. I might hate the guy, but even Charles Manson deserves fair representation in court.

Its true. I’m a therapist for incarcerated adolescents. I am not obligated to report past crimes, including murder, unless it was the murder of a child. The ethical codes are very clear about that.

I am not kidding. Largely, we don’t have to report past crimes, including murder. In fact, doing so would be a quick way to lose your license. (Please note, as tends to be the case with ethical questions there are almost exceptions and nuance, I am speaking broadly).

It’s complicated! Suppose you killed somebody. You might want to call a lawyer and talk about it, and you want to be totally forthcoming with your lawyer. Would you be totally forthcoming with your lawyer if there was a risk that your lawyer would call the police after you ended the phone call? I think that people who

As a psychologist, I likely wouldn’t have to report a past murder (assuming the victim is an adult).

If they are a current threat, then yes, a therapist would have to report that. However, ethical guidelines state that a therapist is not obligated to report a past murder/crime unless it falls under the mandatory reporting umbrella (ACA, APA, AATA).