Statue of Limitations

B====D~ ~ ~

"The Legos Movie", to piss off all the dorks who insist on referring to them strictly as "LEGO Bricks"

yup. I listen to their live stuff almost exclusively. Three amazing musicians (and Daltrey) trying to out-do one another on stage. great stuff

the entirety of The Who's "Tommy"

I'm a ween diehard myself, and i'd say nearly half their catalog is better on live recordings

this show is terrible and i love it

sure it is


agreed, almost bought it…

considering i have a tattoo of said characters, im inclined to agree

i don't get it

they've mentioned that eventually covering television is in their "long term plans"

you bet that's a paddlin'

it's never too late, losers

also, quite prominent in Konami's Gradius series

i realize this is a month later, but this is the only one of these I have ever found funny. well done

yes, but the commentariat (and increasingly, the staff) is clearly dominated by teenagers and college-aged kids these days.

easily the worst game of the year