
You see, this is all according to keikaku.

Too bad one of the creators is part of the Gamergate movement.

Killing it? Are you drunk or retarded? The physic in this game is extremely poor and unrealistic.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

Give it some time. The grind through the endgame content was one of the most painful experiences of my gaming life.

Somehow I think people would have missed their quarterly bonus if the game was delayed again for polish. It could have used some more polish and less filler (wait isn’t that a Miller Lite commercial?)

I definitely would have gone for Jaal if this game had actually been finished when I played it. Delaying games is OK, guys.

people took the same attitude with films back in the day with film and it did not go great, some of the greatest films of the past are only available in degraded or incomplete states.

He. Just. Does. Not. Get. It.

I’m a software developer by trade, and at the end of the day everyone at my job wants our customers to be happy. It’s important that they tell us, though, what they do and don’t like. I wince whenever I see someone advising others to just shut up and accept what they’re offered; we would never want our customers to do

That s why complaining works people.

It was cool because the character who played The Waif from Game of Thrones was in the game. She played the mechanic with a convincing American accent.

The whole live action thing with the random real life tuners and general over the top-ness of the acting was so cheesy it became fun. I really enjoyed it too.

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Actually, my co-worker listens to Michael Savage, and Savage was going crazy over it. I didn’t listen to it that much because I never do but he was talking about how it was an attack on white christians and such.

Im sorry , do you need a safe space? you can shout triggered in there til you are purple in the face.

Oh it’s already begun. Started when the first images came out a few days ago

its going to be hilarious.
Conservative americans are seen as villains all over hte world and its only on america that this type of behaviour is normalized. Remember when they were shitting their pants over bioshock infinite? This is going to be larger.

...and yet that is still not apparent to a large percentage of Americans somehow.