
@sxs3200: Lol seriously. One "unsafe removal" should do it

Nevermind that once the first car is running, the alternator could start all the others.... but hey, who's keeping track

@Steven Callas: It is when the content is user-generated. A company deleting content it doesn't like that's not in violation of terms is kinda, y'know, the *definition* of censorship.

@amlamarra: Uh... yeah.... we can tell by your avatar that you don't.

Wait wait wait..... If this is meant to protect companies from CYBER ATTACKS (0H N03s!!), then why are they calling it both "perfect citizen" and "big brother?" Way to make us feel comfortable, a-holes.

@m.e. stijl: Yeah, and it ended forever and a day ago.

Hm. All this and the thing apparently still shows up on radar.

Baahahahahaha, the iPod one is priceless

Jesus, "survey my current career plans"? How eloquently put for a retard that makes $7/hr. at Best Buy.

@Maave: that's not even encrypted...

@bigPixel: Yeah, but when I put the gas in my car, it fucking works. That's the difference.

Baaahahahahaha, now you AT&T chumps are going to have 1 bar ALL the time.

@burlow: I guarantee they have a special fixed model for displays if what you say is true. It wouldn't cost hardly anything and would save a TON of sales.

@bigPixel: It's not lawyers winning that I'm happy about, it's the companies that have to pay the damages. Maybe they'll learn to do the right thing next timeā€”if you're paying more for a product because a company has morality problems, I really can't say much for your company choice.

@burlow: Dude, no it doesn't. The 3G has a plastic case, 90-100% signal attenuation is literally impossible with the 3G's build.

@burlow: Well of COURSE the ones in the f***ing AT&T store aren't going to have the problem, you tool. You don't think they would have done SOMETHING about it for the display models, especially since this is a full-blown media debacle?

@bigPixel: That's like burning money. All you have to do is send back the shit they sent you, and it's like $80 in the hand. Sounds pretty sweet to me.

@MaxPoint: Problem? What problem??

@CaptainJack: Seriously..... definitely WTF'd at that one. That was like watching a 1-minute version of The Core