My one disappointment of this fight scene was the lack of a booming 'SHUT UP!' from The Mountain when he visibly gets annoyed by Oberyn's taunting. Other than that it was perfect.
I fucking LOVE that Game of Thrones has given us event television back. I haven't seen anything like this since the 80s.
I am a devoted connisseur of Christian kitsch AND Cage kitsch. And the theater near me is cheap and serves beer. Basically, October 3rd CAN NOT COME SOON ENOUGH.
It's how the queen prevents her own skirts from flying up when leaving planes, running in the wind, etc.
I don't know what your experience is like with card games, but just because you're making a card game, it doesn't mean that it has to be anything like Magic The Gathering. Or like any other card game.
In my opinion, anyone waiting for a xbone release without an kinect is delusional. The kinect is the cornerstone that MS has built the entire platform around, and to think they are going to just abandon that and release an inferior experience (in their eyes and mine as a xbone owner) is just silly.
The only thing convincing about this list is that I don't want an Xbox One for at least another year.