
Warlocks don’t jump; they float. :)

It’s been discussed that Dinklage was following the direction that he was told to give to the lines -almost lifeless and emotionless. If you find some of the alpha footage from before Destiny released, you can see/hear a far more quippy/funny version of Ghost. Bungie screwed up that character badly, and those of us

Dinklebot was great. The script... not so much.

Seems more like a commentary on the state of pop music, but sure, this artist is certainly not creative.

It’s Futurama Worlds of Tomorrow. Not the best in it’s genre, but the game is fairly new and I’m giving it a chance.

I didn’t think I ever would, but this one free to play game I like gives me free premium currency for playing crappy free to play games up to a certain level (like FFXV). Seems like a fair deal for my time.

Street Fighter Puzzle was one of my favorite arcade games. I bought a version of this on DS and played it a ton. The new entry should be great!

bahaha, that was a great response.

My local best buy posted on twitter when pre-orders would start. They lasted less than 5 minutes till they were sold out again, but it seemed like an okay way to do it.

I think there’s an argument to be made that the dragons haven’t been trained for war yet, they are just showing the natural dragony stuff that they all can do. A little battlefield awareness could go a long way here.

BullFrog :(

I think you way oversold this episode. The pacing of this one made the plot super obvious. It was a bit fun to watch but no where near as cool as the battle against the Lannister army.

Whats a shadowverse?

The return on investment is quite low too. Even if I spend the 50 or 60 dollars on a new expansion, I’m only probably going to get 3-5 out of the 20 new legendaries and my collection will come up very short. I’m also not spending any money until Blizzard makes the game affordable.

Advertising comes in weird forms.

Also as a Canadian, the monarchy is an outdated institution and a waste of money. The security costs alone when they come to “visit” is absurd.

I downloaded a great Mod to make swords always 100% for XCom 2. In Vanilla, they had something stupid like 99% chance to hit and it was so frustrating when they missed and then your soldier was standing out in the open like an idiot.

You think the anime pacing was bad? The manga was a lot slower with long expositions about feelings, backstories, and political stuff.

I don’t mind the airport dogs, but the dog handlers look at you like you’ve probably committed murder and hate America.

M-Tron. We deliver mail, bitches.