Classic! I definitely spent a bit of time jamming to this beat when I was a kid.
Classic! I definitely spent a bit of time jamming to this beat when I was a kid.
I loved them and I love them. They are a light hearted take on the Ninja Turtles game (much like Saint's Row is a parody of GTA). The music, gameplay, and fun is iconic.
First aid should be mandatory for all school children. Let's stop the misinformation.
Laughed out loud when Simply the Best came on. It's everything that represents cheesy hollywood action heroes. I love the GRRM finally made us believe that anyone in reasonable danger can actually die.
Reading this comment thread was hilarious. Welcome to the future, "Everyone who commented in this discussion since January".
Under non-gaming: has got a new toon today on the main page!!
It comes down to having evidence to defend your actions while driving. I recently was almost in an accident that caused me to incur a traffic light ticket. When I went to defend my case, I was told by the prosecutors that motive did not need to be established to convict me.
You had me at Archdruid. Love this series!