
Yes. My point is, why aren’t you citing Taft or Marshall or Jay? Could we instead refer to some new thoughts on the matter? I find it troubling that a contrarian such as you is so beholden to fewer than nine authorities.

Like it or not; we’re all in this together.

Why can’t Heller and McDonald speak for themselves? Why not channel Moses, or God or Luke Skywalker instead? You’d be a little more persuasive?

Law abiding citizens will. Anyone whom passed high school civics can tell you that’s often enough. Neighbors will inform on their neighbors. Police will be called to confiscate. Firearms are absolute shit on defense, especially defending against a similarly or better armed constabulary. It’s like you don’t know how

Some? As in less?

Your values and beliefs. Not the “countries”.

And active shootings are on the rise. Will you instead be banning television, radio and internet? ‘Cause one’s gotta go.

I don’t think you know what “unreasonable” means. I think you’re confusing it with inconvenient.

Are you saying more people drive without a seatbelt now, as opposed to before the laws was passed?

Can you describe an instance where an illegally purchased firearm was not originally procured legally? Are FN and IMI selling arms directly to criminals?

They don’t care enough for you to murder you. Few care for you.


If anyone can buy their way to a lordship (and anyone can, it amazes me the Brits tolerate it), it’s Donald Trump.

Has she come out as an alcoholic yet?

Can you ask Brad how much he’s/the staff’s tipped after each of these encounters? I mean, I know the answer; but, much like the birthday boy, I enjoy the ritual.

Totally. If only for Brad Pitt.

You’re right. I almost hate Zack Snyder. But I love Henry Cavill.

You don’t have to wonder. They remade it with Gandalf and Jesus.

Wasn’t that a DVD extra? Where Archer is so disfigured in an explosion, he blasted into the size and shape of Benjamin? Or did I dream that?

What’s the prescribed ratio of vacation hours to death threats?