The even more important “when” at issue here is that the knockout blow came after Janay defended herself. He gave her a corrective tap (ugh); and like any red-blooded American she retaliated. That’s when he knocked her out. That’s the real problem.
The even more important “when” at issue here is that the knockout blow came after Janay defended herself. He gave her a corrective tap (ugh); and like any red-blooded American she retaliated. That’s when he knocked her out. That’s the real problem.
Is that cage why I couldn't blow away Liquid Snake and Gray Fox?
"We should have shotguns for this kind of deal."
How else could Adam, Eve and Jonah hide from God? He was blind drunk.
I used to think that too. But now I’m pretty sure the self-hating/self-flagellating psychosis runs so deep; this is how they’d want to be treated. If driving them from your door drives them to heaven, aren’t you doing them a favor?
True Fact: most Christians tune out after Deuteronomy. On account of all the reading. They’re really missing out. Once God gets sober and finds Jesus, it’s like a completely different book.
Man, it’s only on days like this I wish I was a debt collector again. I’d love to call these morlocks 30 days from now and hear why they’re past due...
"Then all plea deals would be coercion."
Here. Stars. Consider it a gratuity. Maybe learn how to earn them on your own in the future.
I remain ever-confident in my perceived level of twathood. I only pointed at that you failed to reach the entire audience. The failure mainly ties into your tired reliance on the old fallacy: making the perfect the enemy of the good.
If we can't understand you; you failed, not us. That's Comm 101.
Holy shit bro, your Kung Fu is strong. It' you're not even trying. Teach me.
I think I've spotted the perceived thought-crime here. When you hear someone use words like "doubt" and "considering" what do you suppose they (the speaker) mean? In your opinion, what is the lowest level of fanaticism a 49er can demonstrate before they become a "dick"?
All odds? No. It's just a struggle against you. That pithy enough for you?
I may have excessive pride in my accomplishments. But keep in mind how proud you are of these last two pissant responses.
I'm going to feed you. In the vain hope my answer's so rich it clogs your arteries.
Logical answer: it's not portable. It's like a post box. First responders (government agents) know where it is (just like they know when it's full). St. Luke's in Quakerstown already has one. You drop the baby in the box and walk away.
Is this controversial because it's too humane?
I appreciate the idea of unblemished hardwoods keeping domestic disputes from escalating. But, nothing directly diminishes domestic violence like alcohol!
Idiots don't think twice, as a general rule. And as has been demonstrated time and time again by the NFL, the NFL does all the thinking. And the thinking goes: conceal, cover and cajole. This beast is a machine and it runs on the illusion of justice. The illusion that the NFL is in control. And the paradoxical…