
The Cosby Show. Are you really unaware of how incredibly groundbreaking a sitcom that was?

We all loved them! He was like America’s dad.

True. I certainly don’t want to see any sappy fucking biopics about this human trash bag.

Could be. I feel bad for Ennis in that case, since he had absolutely nothing to do with his father’s evil rapey-ness. In fact, I feel bad for all Cosby’s kids.

No- he needs to stay alive. The moment he dies is when people start putting on their rose colored glasses, remembering his “legacy” and refusing to speak ill of the dead.

Maybe Damon Wayans can offer to defend him

The baby thing is definitely starting to stink. It’s about time for a change.

ok the whole “baby” thing is starting to annoy and creep me out. what’s with it? the joke is over. anyone else?

My down-the-street neighbour is one! Lawn sign and everything! I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why he scowled, shook his head and stomped inside after I gave him my “hi neighbour” smile yesterday. I had forgotten I was wearing my Bernie shirt.

Look at this protective body language. He’s either bracing himself for Colbert’s interview, or he thinks he’s fat. Or both.


It’s so blatant. So, so blatant. How can anyone believe he’s not talking out of his ass, 100% of the time?

There’s a great picture of Donald and Marla Maples back in the day when he was cheating on Ivana with her. They’re in a church and sharing a hymnal. Only problem is they were holding it upside down.

“My favorite part was where he - *clenches fist* - catches that rye.” - Trump

You’d think he could get his paid staffers to look up a quote on a prosperity gospel site...

“ Bible? My favorite Bible passage?
Well, ‘ya know, it’s everything. It’s just all so amazing, where would you even start? I love all of it. Just all of it, from beginning to end”
** I’m paraphrasing, of course. **

So we went to a stadium, we had 31 thousand people, which is by far the largest, they say, like, ever, for an early primary, and that’s probably true.

Trump’s speeches are the same thing a comedian does when they perform at “City X.”

Half this speech is about Mark Cuban.