stars in margins

I'm really excited to see what they're going to do with Merle this season. Sure he feels indebted to the Governor, but did you see his face when the Governor denied him permission to go search for his brother? Merle is the wild card and could be bad news for one or both sides down the road.

I said the same thing! I would hate it if T-Dog's sacrifice (I mean, he was done for anyway, but he let himself get eaten alive) was wasted on Carol running off and getting herself killed in some other way. Plus, I feel like Carol is the top contender for surrogate mom to this new born, which is a MAJOR inconvenience

Tumblr is down for me toooooo! How I am supposed to make it through a Friday at work?!

No worries, we all have our opinions. For example, I can't stand what Grant Morrison did to Batman over the past few years, while most other people think he's some kind of genius. I say I'm not butthurt over it, but I am. I am.

"What animal has claws made of bone?"

My tongue hurts now :-/


Have you ever read Mira Grant's Feed trilogy? They're so paranoid about zombie infection that people have to get their blood tested, sometimes multiple times, before entering buildings, AND they have to endure daily bleach showers. But in the Walking Dead, they go entire episodes with zombie gore dripping down their

Is it just me, or does Rick now have a kill-shot M.O. (look-a-man-in-the-eye, high noon quick draw)? He's used it 3 times now. I kind of love the fact that Daryl and T-Dog have become Rick's right and left hand men, and that they communicate with each other through meaningful looks around the prisoners. When Rick

I'm kind of thinking (hoping) that if Tyreese is going to be on the show at this point, he's in the Governor's town. I also think the person watching Carol is someone we already know. A certain one-handed fellow here to mix it up a bit.

Yeah, I thought she was at least out of high school. Now I'm imaging an Anakin/Padme relationship and getting severely creeped out.

Yeah, NOPE.

Yeah, just corrected myself with Reelfashion1sta.

I guess I made that up in my head - they were just dating. The most she even acknowledges a relationship with Jimmy is in the episode she's considering suicide. And according to the wiki, she's 16. My bad.

Yeah, conserving ammo and stabbing the zombies through the fence would have taken longer, but it would have made a whole lot more sense. Also, NOT taking your elderly doctor/farmer on the deadly prison raids.

Hershel's daughter may be at least 19? I mean, she was married to Jimmy, and her dad doesn't seem the type to let his daughter marry before she's legal. Carl just has a crush.

Really pleased with the season premier - the main group seems more organized this time around, and they've solved some internal conflict. Kudos to Rick for giving Carl an adult role in the group - instead of randomly disappearing due to boredom/lack of supervision, Carl participates in raids and "takes point" when the

I love the Sulley toilet seat cover!

In death, he has a name.

I have these skills.... You wouldn't understand.