Starry Messenger

There are some Civil War stories and there are some interracial stories set during that time period, but they’re often very, um, fetish-y.

The pundit on CNN is not having it. He has been on every single half hour reminding everyone that a sitting president has only one time in history fired the head of an investigation on himself. And we all know how that turned out. Every single half hour show.

There is a distinct difference between being open to other opinions and letting people publish terrible, incorrect information. The NY Times seems to be struggling with this lately. There are two or more sides to many arguments. That doesn’t mean they are all correct, or factually supported, or deserving of attention.

Harris is still a few years out. She’s only been in the Senate for six months (yeah, yeah, Liz Warren and Ted Cruz and all, but one [wisely] didn’t run and the other got beat handily).

I know what you mean. My great-great-great grandfather was a cotton farm hand and then big gub-ment fought a “Civil War” and put in job killing regulation called “the 13th Amendment.” I now work in an office as a result (THANKS OBAMA) and make 100,000 times what he made, because he literally made nothing. But I’d

Statistically, 48.5% of us seemed to understand that.

...hopefully we’ll get those sentinel factories fired up...

That depends on the context and timing of your interactions with people in WV. For example, I worked in a diner 2007-2008 and was treated regularly to conversations like this:
“Who you think the Democrats are gonna go with?”
“I don’t know, but it’s a sad situation when you’re stuck choosing between a woman and a

Hillary Clinton did not simply say she was going to take away their jobs. That was an opening statement that was immediately followed by the promise of a $30 billion program for all of coal country, with investment in new industries and retraining programs. To say she said she was going to take away their jobs without

You act like there’s a debate, that the racist reputation of the state is just anecdote gone viral. Survey after survey validates the states reputation. Demographics, employment stats, you name it. If you want to simplify, just look at who they elect and what the policies are. WV has abhorrent education resources and