Starry Messenger

I have nothing but squee for this episode and love it uncritically. I went and cried a little in the fridge after the scene at the stones, so my husband wouldn’t see me.

After the shooting of Mike Brown, I found that I had inadvertently friended someone on Facebook who was originally from Ferguson, a white person, who posted interminable dog whistle bullshit on my posts about “hands up, don’t shoot” until I had to block them from seeing my wall. I followed them to the walls of other

She really is awful at following directions, which is funny considering how pissed she gets if someone doesn't follow her medical directions. And yes, did she not just have this conversation last week?

I don't know that there's a good answer for that one, but maybe because we are still grappling with these issues in different forms? Or even in not very different forms? What is your take?

Right. And that vow Jamie made wasn't done lightly—as Geillis pointed out, promises are important to Highland life. He employs the clan vow to make a promise to her, I don't think that can be handwaved as a ploy to get laid.

I replied on another blog about this, but I have been having more thoughts and want to expand further.


Too bad. We're crossing the streams.

Nah, I'm sure you'll look cute in tank top and short-shorts too.

Hi mom!

Where is the "I was too fucking stupid to figure out how to put a rubber on my dick" apology video?

Perfect recap. I have been so anticipating this series and it did not disappoint, at all. I'd like to mail it back to eight year old me, so I could steal mom's blouses, don a fedora and go kick all the neighborhood ass playing Agent Carter.

A Kinja poster documented this asshole last year. A poster on another website dug this up and linked to it, it isn't my find.

I award this four searching glances.

It's a sled.

or be part of society.

Well, thank you for ruining the holidays.

So proud to be an AFT member everyday and leaders like Randi are a big reason why!

I think it is great. I look around at age 44 at the sterile corporate culture all around me, poverty, racism and wall to wall chain stores all up and down my state (and not to mention climate change sending us in CA a ravaging drought) and think "This was it? This is what we created?" I'm over it. I'll try to help

How embarrassing is this? The season is restarting on my wedding anniversary and I didn't even notice the significance of the date because of having the sadz at waiting so long, until Mr. Starry piped up "Hey, that's our anniversary!" Bless him. I guess I know what our plans are for the evening. :D