Starry Messenger

Jessica is my favorite too. Check out A Fine Old Conflict, if you haven't already.

What followed was one of the few sex scenes I've ever seen that felt like it wasn't written explicitly for men. GAZE, LADIES, GAZE.

I hope you all got the memo about the mandatory kilt pron on Kelly Faircloth's Outlander recaps. You have homework this weekend.

Oh and it's just going to get much much worse with Black Jack Randall. Tobias is a genius, I wasn't sure anyone could really pull this character off, but he's making him even more plausible than the books, which is chilling.

Yeah, same here too Rebecca. We started school pretty much the day after hearing the announcement, and I have been keeping it together for the classroom. This interview with Hawke was just gutting. Thank you for writing it up, I know I would have missed this otherwise.

This film and this scene had such a tremendous impact on me. I saw it in the theater first run when I was just on the brink of a calamitous first year of college, completely paralyzed by depression, moved home and felt like a failure and thought about dropping out of school entirely. After the movie I sobbed out in

"Changing your dressings" is my new sex euphemism.

Yay, weekly Outlander squee! I'm in a place where I am totally in love with this show and everything they are doing with it. I've read the books several times since college (early '90's) and never thought this would reach the screen. Or be as wonderful as it is if it did.

Thank you for covering this. I teach at a public HS in the area and the extent of the teacher's sense of violation really hits home with me. With all the shit press teachers are subject to in this (largely female) profession, I can't help but feel this has also contributed to the sense that we are just slabs of meat