
Dbl post, sry.

Just thinking out loud, and certainly "the" definitive answer: I'm sure the pecking order is a well established thing for both men and women, and I can only speak for men, but when the order changes, if someone elevates their position, income, status, or simply demands equality where it never actually existed before

Dude thinks he had a telepathic connection with a Dolphin he was banging...

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Oh, there I go and try to share, and try to make a connection with you, and all you do is say that. That's it, I'm never sharing with you again! Totally dumping you as a friend.

Your Mom likes me :)

My two best friends could never get out of the abusive shit talking phase of guys just being guys, over a long time it just became them running me down, outright jealousy of achievements, verbal abuse, ruined group vacations from hell, it got pretty sadistic and I just called it all off. I make no effort to make

So you don't actually lend a hand, ass crack, or mouth to the effort?

This article, and whole sentiment is more or less bullshit, a well done hand-job is a great thing. Talking about it like it has no value, or eroticism is silly at best. Search Pornmd for hand-job and it's petty clear that being serviced can be sexy, and enjoyable. There was a similar faux-article about the death of

I saw the first UFC that was televised live, and I've watched American martial arts, and MMA become a pugilistic, bellicose, coldly, highly effective, amalgam of the things that have always worked, and one of those things is being an inhumane piece of shit if you want to walk away over being carried away. Jones 'gets

Space Dandy was so unwatchable I had to give up, did it get better, or is your taste in Anime based on something besides good story and dialog? I ask this sincerely since "story" is not always a factor for some fans. Also, the dialog tanked so badly it made most 70's kung fu movies look intellectual. But again,

He just seems like a completely likable person. What's best about him is that he completely paid his dues within the writing world, and he didn't let that experience taint, or ruin him, and it paid off big time. A lesson to us all.

I've never read any "Gor" books, but would they be less "creepy" if there were an occasional female master thrown in? I watched about ten laughable minutes of some "Gor" movie, and the internet tells they're quite popular, whatever. Creepy is fast becoming a sexist anti-male, pejorative term, typically used to keep

I wrote them an email when the game first debuted and asked them about it, since neither Foss nor McKee or Burkey is thanked in the acknowledgements in the book that came with the game. They copped to nothing of course but later thanked more than George Lucas at the end of the books associated with the game(s). Big