
Actually, Sara gave Laurel the jacket. But yes…she's a total hypocrite.

She probably stole it from her dad, along with his pain pills.

No. Seeing Laurel getting beaten up only reminds us of how much better Sara was and how much we miss Sara.

Sara in a Lazarus Pit.

Given that the writers cited quite a few earlier episodes in this one, I'd opt for it being that Laurel is too unbalanced to be a competent fighter.

She said DA. Of course she may have been trying to flaunt the power of her office since DA sounds more impressive than "Assistant DA". I don't think they said anything about Laurel being promoted after Kate Spencer got killed in Season 2… of course with all the people fleeing Starling City, Laurel may be the only

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who noticed that.

Even so, she's supposed to have had some self-defense training. You'd think if she could take town two bouncers in club clothes, she could take down one guy in an dark-alley ambush.

The hell of it is we know Laurel's had self-defense training and was capable enough, in the first season, to bring down a bar bouncer who had the height and weight advantage on her when she saved Tommy and Oliver in that one nightclub. So her suddenly not being able to ambush a guy while armed with a bat seems

No, the Lazarus Pit can be used at any point after death. At one point, Ra's Al Ghul was able to effectively distract Batman from his current plan by stealing Thomas and Martha Wayne's bodies and leaving them dangling over a Lazarus Pit.

Oh the irony! A show about the most liberal superhero ever displaying proper gun safety techniques in action.

I'm still holding out for a Lazarus Pit by the season's end and Laurel dying heroically to make Sara turn on the League and embrace her heroic destiny.

The parts when she was on screen. The parts when she was talking…

I'm just relieved that it wasn't Kodomo after all. I'm already annoyed about Sara's death to begin with. Having her killed off by some random villain of the week for the sake of propping up Laurel would just be the diarrhea icing on the poop cake.

Katie Cassidy's wooden performance didn't help matters. She spends most of the episode looking less like a woman who just saw her sister die violently and more like a woman who was just slapped in the face with a fish.