A great place to read printed words on sheets of paper bound in a soft or hard backing in a world of history, imagination, and adventure!
It’s that place next to the record store, over there in the mall.
In the case of my 115-year-old house, I think the solution is to rip up the existing floor and sub-floor, install a new sub-floor of plywood, using construction adhesive and screws, and then lay a new tongue-and-groove floor on that.
I don’t think the bills themselves fluoresce under UV light, but the embedded plastic security thread will “glow” different colors depending on the value of the bill. This prevents “ink washing”, where a cheap $5 bill has all of the ink removed, and then the blank linen stock is reprinted with $100 markings.
The fucking paddle boat scene in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory...
14: G/O putting things in a slideshow
It’s crazy how aggressive the thought police are now
Another one that annoys me is “I’m Just Saying....”.
Uhhh no... using Dave C... is a poor example. Watched the Netflix special... yeah... seriously? He’s speaking his truth, and he is entitled to do that, and to heck with the modern day thought police. What has the world came to? I had to explain to my kids how when I was a kid the Christian conservatives were trying to…
15: “Put it in a slideshow.”
if I could inflict my opinion on the comments section here:
Lists are subjective.
I’ve had the same cell number for about 15 years. I started getting calls from debt collectors for some random guy (we’ll call him Carl) asking:
I wanted to say don’t know/don’t care after I blocked them, but I’m curious after all.