
never attempt to jump-start their high-voltage lithium-ion batteries.

It’s a bit sad we even have to say this and how the genius would go about attempting such, the 400V pack is wired in orange and has no open points for touching or would be inert anyways with the car being unable to start

If Facebooglestagramazontok would stop using “The Algorithm” for focusing only on what makes the most engaging content, we might actually have a fair chance at winning the war on misinformation


How can I change to a different one?

*Calls chickens in Russian accent*
*Tosses food*

Cloudflare WARP is also a practical and free option for a VPN

I just wish that inclusive speech would be used instead of the constant and annoying false-narrative of unvaccinated and no privileges.

There’s more puns in the pipeline 

I was so confused about how a fire could be illegal... 

Mini-split aircon might be something to consider nowadays...

Mythbusters, Top Gear, Grand Tour, and more are far more educational than any of that “content” 

They’re calling it “pregnant man” which is literally impossible and rather silly in the grand scheme of things

Never said your choice was wrong, just it was an option for the future if interested

As you wish, but an EV is literally still better than a Prius, I say that authoritatively too

No details were given about your specific low-mileage life, so I shared the baseline reference of the stark difference in the cost of ownership for a commuter-type car.

Plus, it’s significantly better for the environment to drive on watts, no more carbon* pollution in the city/smog/particulate materials

*Yes, some

Have you looked at the used market for the cars?
The powertrain warranty on EV’s is really long, so it really doesn’t matter in terms of performance or wear whether it’s 1 or 4 years old (8-10 year warranty)