Starlifter -from the year 2014

Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"

She did it BEFORE it was cool.

"I've seen things."

Looks like in those 20 minutes Polian was paid a visit by Vincenzo Pentangeli.

"Well, we think we have those technical issues ironed out...and now back to your interview with Bill Polian..."

Is it not also a bit odd that ESPN would re-ask the question? It's not like Polian's answer the first time was incomplete or cutoff super early. They same complicit in setting up the new different answer by asking the question again.

Ya know, Nat Geo Wild said that I can kick the shit out of a bear. But I wonder what would happen if we battled on a golf course? Mixing golf with mortal combat and all . . . . I've already destroyed a number of cougars on golf courses around the world. Hmmmm.

"Play it as it lies, Shooter"

In history dates are really important.

Ahem, negative. Military pilots have an emergency radio in a pocket on their survival equipment vest, which leaves the aircraft with them on ejection. The radio may also be in the seat pan, which is tethered to the pilot after seat separation. It still may be difficult to eastablish communications in mountainous

It's how the Japanese do (airplane) porn.

I watched this video ten times in a row. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

And this is why Peoria Carp Hunters.

40 going on 4.

Fool scientists. If they wanted the cats to participate, they needed to have the cat's favorite human administer the test while the cat was in their own comfortable space and only once the cat acquiesed by allowing their human to tickle them behind the ears for more than two minutes.

@fastm3driver: Don't worry about me, I'm just pissed I had to memorize the phase diagram for carbon steel (and I might actually be able to draw it from memory 22 years later).