Yup. Pete pretty much said what I would’ve said to Daphna.
Yup. Pete pretty much said what I would’ve said to Daphna.
98% of the dogs on petfinder:
NGL - whenever I hear of a friend or acquaintance getting a purebred dog through a breeder (don’t know anyone getting dogs through pet stores unless it’s an adoption event) my eyebrow raises. Genuinely, what are you doing? But the allergy argument is pretty compelling and just about the only one that doesn’t leave me…
I agree. I always wonder if they have any kind of real research to show their extreme tactics accomplish anything positive at all.
“If Pete had done his research, he would know that there’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, that at least a quarter of dogs in shelters are purebreds, and that Petfinder has listings for homeless dogs of every breed under the sun, including the one he purchased.”
peta is a terrible organization that turns off most people to the idea of animal rights and shouldn’t be calling out individuals just buying a pet. bother farming corporations and big box pet stores that still sell animals.
Oh, so now you’re against gay aliens? Only straight aliens should have rights according to ol Damian over here.
credit me, i love this line lmao
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” - R.W. Emerson
“This just kind of highlights the selective canon outrage I keep hearing.”
Well it’s getting quoted later in a Transformers forum, I can credit you (or not) depending on if you want a bunch of babies piling you on Twitter.
Don’t forget the Chick-fil-A kerfuffle where they suddenly discovered that Chick-fil-A had a VP of Diversity. Now they’re up in arms trying to decide if they need to boycott their favorite chick-chick...
“Numenorians were refuges/survivors from JRRTs Atlantis, that fled to a Middle-Earth that was populated by humans (as well as elves, dwarves, orcs, ents, probably proto-hobbits etc) such as the ancestors of the future Rohirrim.”
You’re so close to getting it - good luck explaining why white people need “inclusion” when they’re already depicted at a much higher rate than they naturally occur in the general population.
Why do racists like you break out this argument as if it’s brand new, and you just thought of it? This has been the first…
Black people have existed in Europe for its entire existence. Pretending otherwise is ahistorical and nakedly racist.
The thing you’re completely missing is context. It’s twofold here. Point One, the example you chose, Power Man/Luke Cage, is indelibly tied to the “Blaxploitation” era of films, and thus his race is actually pretty crucial to the character. Almost every time a white character is reimagined as a different race, their…
It was a banger. I wouldn’t have been reading an article about MTG cards without it.
If someone tells me they know what real elves are supposed to look like, I’m backing away. Slowly.
They’ve been busy this year, first it was complaining/protesting the closure of splash at WDW to change it to Princess and the Frog, then the little mermaid review bombing, and just yesterday mourning the splash closure at Disneyland for the same thing.
Magic fans have known this for about a year. The fact that all the racists are coming out of the woodwork now, when the mainstream announcement is made, tells you a lot about who is really getting angry at this: people who are threathened by pictures in a card game they don’t play. In other words immature, insecure…