
He never showed public admiration for Hitler, no. But he was known as a narcissistic loose canon from basically the very beginning. As to the relationship between him and KK, I always got the sense it was transactional, so I don’t think there was a ton of, like, conversation.

So, honest question: I always hated Kanye’s music, so I never paid any attention to him in his less embarrassing days. Was he totally normal and the bundle of crazy just came out later? Because I’m sorry, but views like loving Hitler and believing in invisible flying cars are things you really want to clear up before

No offense by how was this confusing? These drugs are famously injectibles and this article heads with a pill bottle and the actual word PILL in the headline.

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

So he’s an Evangelical politician who’s still a “bachelor” at 46 and knows so little about women and their bodies that he’d still never even seen a vagina at 30 and he thinks a pregnancy lasts 52 weeks? Mmmkay. 

I’ve read that semaglutide can also have strange, albeit mostly positive potential secondary effect of reducing other cravings such as smoking, drinking, and other addictive cravings/behaviors. I’m all for people getting the help they need, but does big pharma truly understand the science behind it or are they just as

Will someone please think of the white people?!

Although the original movie did have a good tongue-in-cheek synopsis: “Aliens come to Earth in sixteen-mile-wide spaceships and blow up the White House, but later prove to be hostile.”

With how many microchips my family and I have, we better be getting gig speed while camping soon. 

At this point I expect 6G, it’s been long enough that we’ve been dealing with this 5G crap from our vaccines.  

Same. PUT IT IN MUH VEINS. Vaccines: The best deal on Earth.

It will turn you Democrat and create a sexual interest in animals. 

Still worth it since we can’t predict in advance which strain of flu will be bad in a given year.

It’ll give you triple autism and let your phone connect to 5G.

I can’t wait to hear how this shot is the Mark of the Beast and formulated from a proprietary blend of aborted fetuses, microchips, and George Soros’s ball sweat.

I read the NIH news release on the study, this vaccine targets the HA stem of the virus which is slow to evolve and spread across multiple variants. So if it works the vaccine should last years, and work against new variants.

I can’t wait. Gimme that jab!

Shield passed down for generations, used by the legendary hero.”
*Breaks after a few encounters.

Man with a history of hate toward LGBTQ folks also has a history of sexually assaulting his male staffers.

In fairness, how else could he possibly communicate to employees that he was the “Alpha Male”?