It’s not even scientific. Generally speaking, the trend is for viruses to become less deadly/sickening over time. This is because it negatively affects their survival rate if hosts are dying before they can infect people or it is scary enough people actually change their behavior enough to effectively limit…
Why not call it “The DeSantis Variant” since if we do get it, it will almost certainly come out of Florida.
Swedes use that, too!
I’ve always heard people swear by cinnamon.
They’re already finding that there are long-term effects for some people. Some people never quite get over it and spend their days feeling like they have had the flu for months. One friend of mine had no heart issues before she got covid and now has congestive heart failure. Other people (who I don’t know…
Anyone who makes this argument, you should ask them what the long term effects of COVID infection are. Because we also don’t know that. What we do already know is that COVID is far more severe and deadly than the COVID vaccine. There isn’t any reason to think that even if there is some long term effect from the COVID…
I don’t have a lot of faith people even know wtf mRNA is. Once upon a time I taught a lab course in biology for non-science majors (in Texas) and I don’t remember covering how DNA etc works. It was a struggle getting them to understand basic taxonomy. Like the difference between reptiles and amphibians, or spiders and…
I feel like these people don’t understand it’s made from mRNA and not the virus, itself. CNN has the CDC’s report on who’s spreading all the anti-vaccine drama and one of the dozen of the worst offenders was telling people how cayenne pepper and turmeric were just a couple of the things he used to defeat COVID in two…
I’m not a big facebook person, but I share every article I can find about young people who have died/gotten seriously ill with COVID I come across.
“He wanted to wait a few years to see, you know, if there’s any side effects or anything from it,” said Paul Nuclo, his stepfather.
As a guy pushing 40 who also let his hair grow out during the pandemic for giggles I feel attacked by this... Can’t a dude just grow his hair out for fun!?
Weird how he chooses to say this now, when a long time female character gets a lead in her own picture.
I don’t think you’re actually sorry at all.
You’re allowed to criticize Biden. And we’re allowed to call you an edgelord who forgets how things were just six short months ago.
Let Uncle Joe be cringe
‘we haven’t yet gained “independence from the virus” in time for Independence Day, as the President has phrased it over and over.’
Men discovered the clittoris in 2009 so...
(The first article describing the full extent of female erectile tissue that I can find in an academic journal was publish in ‘09)