
I’m also “allowed” to donate all my money to NAMBLA*; doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be roundly criticized for it.


Of course, then the Te’o story turned out to be 80% bullshit, so.

Can someone who understands the nuances of pop culture better than I do explain why there are so many jokes about Hiddles’ “soul being sucked away” by T-Swift, by the fact that he has a relationship with T-Swift, or by dementors, or something? Are we just convinced this relationship is a PR stunt because it’s “too

Oh my goodness. 😍

My relationship with ND is much like that with the Catholic Church and large portions of my family: love mixed with bouts of intense anger and embarrassment.

I think this person was exposed as a 4chan op last week.

What I’m hearing is, “I’m mad I couldn’t catch that fucking Drowzee.”

I like you and your husband.

Counterpoint: Why would anyone fold their underwear?

This is so self-evident. Thank you for tearing off a few layers of bullshit.

It’s bullshit. This is not what Charles Wade is about. At all.

I always have this dream of taking these godawful little econoboxes, pouring a ton of money into them and turning them into sleepers. New everything, turbocharger, etc.

Sometimes I really wish I had an account on your Slack so I could watch shit like this unfold.

What the FUCK is this bullshit?

Is that a thing? I thought testosterone addition just made your muscles look bigger, not recover faster.

So I don’t know why, but this is a Thing™ beyond Freelee and her vegan whatever. I know a guy who does this and he also makes the “superhero” claims, is dead certain it has boosted his intelligence, etc. He points to apes as “obvious” evidence that this diet is also meant for people.

Well, your point is well-taken. “Be a fucking douchebag on a feminist site” is not just assholery but also incredibly Goddamned boring.

Holy shit, guy in the middle is fucking RIPPED.