

I love this post for many reasons. One of them is that I had no idea there were so many R-series droids — I thought it was just R2, R5 and R6. Have we ever seen an R1? Also, do we know if these are numbered chronologically in release? Because the R2 and R8 series just look much more advanced in design than the rest.


Why has science not given us pet miniature polar bears yet? WHY?

I’m really confused here.

... or just maneuver your large umbrella around people like a normal person in a city?

You have just lived up to your name.

It’s a reference to a movie I’ve never seen, which explains that.

I’m 37. I think it’s entirely fair that I didn’t understand why this one clip was on YouTube :P

Why does this clip exist?

I can’t stop laughing.

Huh. This kind of torpedoes the “she’s not black enough” argument.

I don’t understand this criticism about Wagner or Reid. They’ve always been well prepared and incisive. Sharpton, on the other hand, has always made for bad television.

You’re correct - which means that the momentum affecting the skull is what’s important. Body mass partially determines that.

I think it would depend on where you set the line. You can get around this too, by forcing them to drink water before weigh-in, etc. And the complications from weight cutting are much, much less concerning than CTE.

Still probably better than the current situation in terms of raw force being applied to human bodies. And yeah. Honestly, Sprint Football sounds pretty cool.

I mean, sure, but I also don’t like these guys getting chewed up by “The Shield” and then being told they have to defend it. Sprint Football sounds pretty fun to watch. The added speed and agility alone would be pretty cool in terms of playmaking.

So, half the F=ma equation is the acceleration. We’re never going to get them to run slower. What if we imposed an upper weight (mass) limit?