
Wouldn't they just pass the tax on to their customers anyway?

You know what you must do.

What? I've lived in DC and NYC and anyone who doesn't work in the fashion industry would agree Gina is stunning precisely the way she is.

If they haven't been ideologically correct since the beginning, then fuck them.

I can think of maybe 2 14 year olds with THAT much self-possession and sureness in their identity. No uptalk. No being cautious about what she says. No fear, more or less. What a kickass kid.

Also doesn't pay their employees a living wage, in direct contradiction of Catholic social teaching. A lot of a alums find this to be as infuriating as you do.

Those uses are still covered by the University.

It's a great school and a wonderful community, and has been responsible for an enormous amount of charity and justice work. It just also happens to have a collection of socially regressive asshats.

God DAMN it, Irish.

They definitely, DEFINITELY don't want to hear about how the very liberal Muslims of the Middle Ages invented, like, everydamnthing that is representative of what they hate now.

They take LITERALLY EVERYTHING incredibly seriously, including the prohibition against idols and the extremely inclusive, old definition of it.


Hardly anyone will read this far down, and I fear you have already been subject to the Jezebel "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE FUCKING PERSON" police. There are going to be endless replies to your original post about how terrible you are and how you're a child abuser, devoid of context or any thought as to what you are actually

Hardly anyone will read this far down, and I fear you have already been subject to the Jezebel "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE FUCKING PERSON" police. There are going to be endless replies to your original post about how terrible you are and how you're a child abuser, devoid of context or any thought as to what you are actually

... why would there be more positive stories about women in India than women in the US?

Saying "even" the B-52 is a little misleading. The B-52's planned lifespan goes DECADES into the future, for good reason — it was a brilliant design and its size and reliability makes it almost endlessly upgradeable.

I've been wondering — are you ex-military or just a fascinated fan of military tech like me?

That's because Tyler is a fucking boss.