
Phillip Morris (Big Tobacco Company) owns 35% of Juul.

I call myself an anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-sexist person. Therefore if you disagree with me, or any of my tactics, you are a racist, sexist, fascist.

Antifa members are fascists. You are either anti-antifa or fascist. There isn’t a neutral option.

You obviously haven’t watched the video. They stopped him specifically because they received a call about someone with a gun. They say that on camera to the guy. They say they are going to search for the gun, an officer steps forward, and then the dude bolts.

Defending cases like this hurts the narrative. Two people were stopped in response to a call about a gun. Cop tells them why they are stopped, and is polite about it. As soon as the officer says they are going to check for a gun, the guy bolts, making it obvious he does have a gun. Running from police shows he has

You are blaming capitalism because a company is trying to stop people from stealing their product?

Your suggestion includes at least 3 obvious felonies, probably many more, so lack of gun is really academic at that point.

And conversely, what happened to the Left’s chant of ‘believe the victim’? Don, himself, was a champion of that mentality I believe.

Not actually a data typing error. In fact, the code is working exactly as it should.

Having police know the community personally has negatives as well as it encourages bias. Bias in both directions. Not only are they more likely to cover up a crime for a friend/acquaintance, they are also more likely to harass people they don’t personally like.

Toxic Masculinity.

Every person believes their cause is just and important.  That doesn’t mean it is, nor does it mean you have the right to force your cause on others.

a new paradigm.”

This story... reminds me of something. Oh, that’s right, a politician distributed identifying information on Twitter, and then doubled down on it.

Yes, of course hardcore gamers should destroy casual players in a skill based game. The fix is propper matchmaking. Casual players should be playing against other casual players. The wrong solution is a weapon or skill combo that removes the need for skill.

Not only do you get 7 public transportation projects vs uber loss, you also get infinitely more public masturbation. Yay public transportation.

Nope. Only 55% of mass shooters are white (while being 60% of population). So pretty close to neutral representation.

The ‘mass shooters mostly white’ is actually a myth. Yes, if you ignore the difference in population size, sure, barely. But per capita? Not so much.

There is no Bioware. There is EA with a purchased trademark slapped on it like an 800 million dollar halloween mask. 

I get it, you see one side as innocent, the other side as comic-book evil. Fine. I will explain why it was still a foolish thing to do within your political interpretation.