(America bursts through the wall)
(America bursts through the wall)
Morgan came up HUGE against England, and put up decent stats while drawing batterings from (it felt like) every team we played.
Exactly this, and the point Enrico is missing. If you choose to make being #woke part of your brand, that means keeping it up when it actually costs you something. This is what makes what LeBron and the NBA as a whole are doing so disgusting. It means all the performative wokeness was utterly without merit or…
The Model 3 is butt-ugly
On other GMG sites, there would already be accusations of homophobia over this.
+1 splash of holy water
“They’re the folks that buy up the merchandising rights for dead celebrities.”
I support a women’s right to choose—and I’m generally anti-death penalty—but I always find this example pretty illogical. I mean, I can easily follow the thought process of a mind that looks at what they consider a truly innocent human life, and a convicted murderer, and comes to different conclusions on what they…
I wish I could fully say “Likewise,” but I saw how people replied to you. Still, you’re certainly fighting the good fight. Cheers.
It’s very impressive how you manage to be so polite to people who know far less than you, and yet are being very discourteous to you. I hope you have a nice day, and I think you deserve one.
And they can have a sneaky-good Shazam show us that there are still fun and new things to do in super hero cinema.
+ 1 sausage & 2 meatballs
And it’s not like Paterno had 50,000 employees. He had a team of maybe 25 coaches. When a top 20 employee accuses your top 2 employee of child rape, THAT CAN’T DISAPPEAR.
They even fell on the alt-right side of the pitch.
Prior to Trump, we had three president’s in a row who each almost certainly did cocaine.
Happens to the best of us these days.
You okay bud?
Agreed. Corona is a bad mid-priced beer that is sometimes still the only acceptable choice.
I haven’t heard this described as thus before, but you’re 100% correct.
I...I think they were joking.