
You really had me until the last sentence. The Holdo Maneuver was fucking idiotic writing. 

So like Mel Gibson with police officers?

How badly you underestimate the WRATH of STORM DUCK!



It’s certainly near the very top. BP was great, but being near the bottom of the MCU in humor really hurt it in my rankings.

In a sincere spirit of friendship, I would recommend you have someone manage your investments for you.


This spoke to me.

I did the same, but sometimes he prefers to go against each other. He’s competitive, but I still have the upper hand. I accept that I’ll eventually need to be on his team, rather than the other way around.

If I recall, you’re not supposed to have your hands under the table, either. I think one’s supposed to uncomfortably rest one’s wrists on the table, when not in use.

Shouldn’t this be “Don’t overestimate them.”?

And here I thought baseball was the one most like cricket.

This board is full of excellent comments, but yours is the first to make me laugh out loud. Bravo.

Red onions can be so sweet! Love them.

I even eat the red ones raw. Some get a little harsh, but most are sweet and delicious.


Say when.

Respectfully, I think 5% is so far beyond a drop in the bucket. I’ve got a couple friends in VR (well, at Magic Leap, so AR, but there is some overlap in the work), and they didn’t think it would even close to this much market penetration by now.

Pope Thrower should be, at worst, a two seed.