“press [x] to abandon all previous plotlines”
“press [x] to abandon all previous plotlines”
This just in: Silicon Knights is making the next Marvel game.
Awesome, a studio that has never done an action game and is famous for its writing, which sucks. And had a big workplace harassment scandal a few years back. Why the fuck would you let them take this property on?
“which eventually devolves into arguing about how worse the republicans are, despite the opposite never being said, lol”
Such as?
That depends on if the scammers actually intend to deliver these keys. But based on them being "scammers" it's more likely they never intend to give real keys to begin with.
A young Billy Mumy should send them to the Cornfield.
So you’re saying you just can’t bear to ridethese new mounts?
The Turtle and Graham somehow won a large amount of votes from districts with lots of turnout for registered Democrats. That seems fishier than all of Trump’s claims combined.
The entire GQP thought they were playing a decades long game of power dominance and ended up pwning themselves.
but keep in mind, for a union to work they need political backing so they can tell execs to fuck off. MAGA hats fetishize the 1950s as a time in which “America was great;” they forget that a big reason why it was that way—for at least some of the population—was due to the insanely strong power Unions could wield at…
Based on your responses here I really doubt you offered up this information in a friendly way. You also blame mods on a sub-reddit for your own failure to read the rules which are always in the same place in every sub-reddit. You seem to think that you’re allowed to say whatever you want, however you want, and the…
Generally speaking, complaining about mods is usually a dead giveaway that the person doing the complaining is a douche. But YMMV.
I didn’t have ‘Pinkertons start gunning down American workers’ on my ‘what part of forgotten history will we relive this year?’ card, but I can’t say I’m too surprised. Fight on workers, last time it got us weekend, hour limits, workplace safety standards and more, if we’re going to repeat the shitty parts of…
I would argue that it might better to, rather than change the name, change how the character is depicted — in chains, for example, or in stocks, with children throwing rotten vegetables at him. Changing the character’s name simply paves over past transgressions. Don’t try to erase history. Correct how people see and…
It might have been a Bing Crosby reference which, um, if you know anything about ol’ Scotch and Slap ain’t much better.
Unfortunately a lot of the 13 year old boys who DID play those games, never really grew out of that mindset.
PsyOps: The Mindgate Conspiracy was an awesome gimmick shooter.
“Maybe I’ll pick up a copy of Dragonriders of Pern too. Sounds like it’ll be right up my alley.”
You say that of a series I openly called out as misogynistic. “Sounds right up my alley.” If you say so. Enjoy the ‘rape turns men gay’ and the ‘you need to hit women in order to stop them from being hysterical’ -I suppose,…
I have been saying this for years. The books are unreadable.