
I'd like to jump in as someone who felt like they didn't really want to breastfeed before having a baby. The whole idea honestly seemed gross and I had so many body issues as it was. After I gave birth though it just seemed like I should at least try, since my boobs had already started leaking in pregnancy. My

Jsyk, you can pump and never have the baby latch and he will be bottle fed with breast milk. Formula is a small fortune. And weight comes off slower not breastfeeding .

It is also really rough because even my normally quite progressive minded husband and friends have taken the line that because my child is male that choice should be made by his father. My husband actually said "He should look like me" HE WILL LOOK LIKE YOU, his penis will look a little different but can't I just get

Standardized testing is bullshit; it has nothing to do with education and everything to do with enforcing class, race and language barriers. Test makers, politicians and Policy makers have no real interest in having a truly literate, critical-thinking, educated and enabled citizen body.

Well the main thing that differentiates a real baby from a theoretical baby is that with a real baby you just kind of have to do it. Those theoretical babies lend themselves to a lot of what-if scenarios (the little buggers) and dwelling on how much this or that would totally, totally suck. The non-optional nature of

I had an emergency c-section with my first, on June 10th, and on the 4th of July, my in-laws expected me to drive 5 hours away and CAMP! That's right! CAMP. With a new baby. I was all, "YO, I'm still bleeding. I just figured out how to sit up on my own a week ago. My baby cries all the time, and my tits hurt, so

When a baby is very small, you do need breasts and baby present to maintain a breastfeeding relationship. It is so difficult as to be impossible to feed a baby breastmilk if the baby doesn't nurse. A pump isn't a baby, a mother's body doesn't respond to a pump as it does to a baby. I pumped so I didn't explode from

As a young-ish teacher who gets laid off almost every spring due to "projected enrolment shortages" of students (and then re-hired a few weeks later) I increasingly struggle with loyalty to my employer. I love teaching and I love my students, but I hate never knowing if I will have a job from one semester to the

Additionally, breastpumps are a giant pain in the ass, can be painful, and it's definitely time-consuming.

Because some babies won't eat/get fussy if they're covered up*. I know I don't generally eat my dinner under a blanket.

You are going to get so flamed for this. I tried to make a similar point after the FDA recent decision, and I got jumped on. Celiac disease affects something like 1 in 1750 people in the US, and they're all on Jezebel.

Mazel tov on the new little one!

Because when you ask a mother to "meet you half-way", it's disingenuous. You expect her to do all the "meeting" and make no movement yourself. And as others have pointed out, would you like to eat dinner with a blanket over your head because someone may find your face distasteful? Where does it end?

Because using a blanket often isn't very successful and causes more commotion. Try throwing a blanket over the head of a child of any age while it's eating. Or, for that matter a dog. Or a cat. Or pretty much any living being. Chances are, it's probably going to become annoyed and react unpleasantly. Often, it's a

It's okay that you feel uncomfortable. There are many things that other people do that make me feel uncomfortable/that I dislike experiencing: chewing gum loudly, tapping their foot, snorting in snot when they have a cold, eating meat (I don't like to smell it, especially), smelling like stale cigarettes, etc. some

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Just leaving this here for anyone who hasn't seen it.


Yeah, move to Texas and have all the kids you want. And the ones you don't!

Ooooh, two posts in a row that I feel passionately about!

Takes a breath.

Nope. That's just harassment on a smaller scale. Women have to jump through enough hoops to get abortions as it is. They don't need to explain to any more people, not even their medical provider, their reasons for getting one. It's a legal procedure. It's a safe procedure. And women should have unfettered access to