
I am here to testify, getting a husband is no guarantee of gaining a resident bug-zapper. 9 times out of 10, my husband forces me to resort to the vacuum cleaner trick that saw me through my single years.

I think it's just people wanting to be more creative than "Congrats!" So they ask nosy questions to sound like they're interested.

I know, right? My husband had to walk out of the room. (Though it had just as much to with the fact that I am 7 months pregnant and he researched ways to die in childbirth after having a dream in which I... well. So as soon as he heard "eclampsia" he was out.)

I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like it's time for a serious talk with your boyfriend. Men can be very stubborn about "getting their ducks in a row" before they make any commitments, but I don't think there's ever an ideal time to have kids. You balance being ready (with a monetary goal, a career goal, a

Oooh, I can never help but post on these threads.

I get really uncomfortable with the idea of no tipping at all, even if the service is bad. If it's not good service, I might just leave 10-15% instead of my usual 20%. I think if it's bad enough for you to not want to tip at all, you have an obligation to let a manager know how unhappy you were so they have a chance

I had it and loved it. Only removed it to get pregnant (which happened immediately, if that is a concern for you).

I'm not a mom (yet! due this April!), but are there any programs you can join to force you and baby out of the house? Like a Mother's Day Out program through a church, or a mom-baby class? Even just packing her up and going to the mall for an indoor walk might help break the monotony.

No direct experience with this, but I'd recommend checking out Lots of really great, common sense advice about all things work- or job hunt-related, and I know she has addressed looking for out-of-state jobs several times.

Murphy's Oil Soap is fantastic stuff.

Ladies, I have a hair problem. I have not gotten it cut in 15 months. It's curly, so you can' tell, really, but lately the ends have just felt so dead and dry and gross and they get all knotted and tangled and ugh.

Ladies, I have a hair problem. I have not gotten it cut in 15 months. It's curly, so you can' tell, really, but lately the ends have just felt so dead and dry and gross and they get all knotted and tangled and ugh.

Feel the same way. Was NOT expecting this outpouring of iron love.

I like it, but the Robber & the trading both tend to generate bad feelings. I always end up accusing everyone of being assholes. But then, I'm a poor loser :(

But there's a difference between feeling uncomfortable (something that is just his problem) and believing it should be illegal (making it everyone else's problem). Also, your husband sounds really awesome.

It is fun composing those in your head, isn't it? My grades were done two weeks ago before the holiday break. I checked my work email for the first time since before Christmas, and lo and behold, there was a parent email from December 31st asking if I had a policy about missing work (from October!) that would help

"Who are you to judge..."

This is called "having people skills," and it's awesome that you had them in high school. Some people never learn!

Omg! I am 24 weeks now, and up until right before Christmas, I could always count on a good Monday morning puke. If I was really lucky, it would be right as I was supposed to leave the house and the splash back would force me to change my entire outfit at the last minute. Fun times! But I wasn't really nauseous

It works on the principal that like-dissolves-like. So you use oils (castor oil being the most important, and a carrier like olive, sunflower, or jojoba) to dissolve the gunk on your face. I rub my oil mixture onto my face for a minute or two, then wipe it off with a washcloth soaked in hot water. Most eye makeup