
Yeah...I just...don't see why you're certain that this isn't about the Japanese release. The author is a Japanese guy, in Japan, quoting a Japanese source, and filing the article under "Kotaku East."

I guess you're really really really into found footage horror films for you to dig this. All I see is someone lazily slapped a video camera's information overlay onto P.T. and called it a day.

thanks for posting this, Jason!

Tabata-san, if you are reading this, PLS PLS PLS PLS bring Crisis Core and FF Type-0 to Vita. I really would love to play Crisis Core again, it is one of my favourite, and I also would love to play FF Type-0 on Vita so that we can have cross save with PS4!!!!

What this shot shows is that there's still a long way to go before certain games will make full use of higher resolutions, like those considered 4K. Here, with Trevor's shirts' texture resolution being substantially lower than the pixel resolution of the screenshot, there's effectively no advantage to the higher pixel

I feel like the people trying to make the price seem unreasonable aren't actually watching the video, reading the article, or clicking the links. So I'll sum up some problems:

Played the Halo 5 Beta today to see the 'improved features' and if this is what the final game is like then I'm sorry but they've fucked up the entire game and it seems down to a bunch of whiny 'pro-gamers' dictating choices. The new ADS system is bollocks as it obviously boosts accuracy (despite claims it has no real

I bet a jew designed kinja.

so you're complaining about an element of a video game... being gamified?

"Relationships should not be gamified", Why?


yeah, patricia makes some pretty lame articles

Yeah but this is a praticia article..

My bad.

I'm going into the article to fix it. Yes the China Xbox is locked to the China Region - no option to change region or language. I can't confirm 100% but my developer contacts say it is a requirement by the government.

These mods have been around since the sims 1, 14 years ago. I don't think there is need to talk about it in the 4th game in the series when it's happened everytime, no.

Are you new to modding or something, because this is pretty common and also inevitable.

Lol Im not really into idiocy, but lets point out the obvious....this ISNT their focus, at all. And do you see the amount of exclusives Sony established so far? Think, seriously. M$ got backlash because of their initial FOCUS, TV. Sony always liked the idea of TV, but thats not their focused, which everyone liked. So

Maybe they will adapt the armor into clothing?

We're all very impressed by them.