Quality, my friend; not quantity. You'll never find Ni No Kuni or Pikmin 3 on PC.
Quality, my friend; not quantity. You'll never find Ni No Kuni or Pikmin 3 on PC.
9/11, a normal day on the rest of the world, a drama-queen on the USA.
Do you know the difference between a forehead and hair?
Alternatively: "Champ was beaten, unfed, and left in his own waste for 2 years. Won't you adopt him today?"
The music is like.. cool! but reminds me of those ads..
If Patricia Hernandez wrote this article, it would've been about how Rockstar's behavior only supports and encourages gang members, gang violence, and racial stereotypes. And the thing is ... she wouldn't be wrong!
Okay, we get it. You Gawker bloggers can't control yourselves.
PlayStation Network uses real money, and PlayStation Network cards also go on sale. So....
"Yuna needs braces........"
Fifth photo down, that police officer is thinking to himself; "This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to keep the streets clean."
What a douche.
Brian. Kamiya says that about everything when people ask him about Platinum titles. It's become like a known joke for people following Kamiya on twitter.
Don't worry, I'm sure Patricia is all over dat thang.
Dirty lens flare=Next Gen