
not EVERY game has to have a female main character. It’s refreshing to me.

i think you’re gonna be disappointed with FF7 REMAKE..

i dunno. it's just not a very good game.

But can you tell me why UK must wait an extra 2 days because no reason? it's 2015 not 2001.

i wish ps4 had BC just because i wanna play yakuza 5 on my ps4 :(

if you’re crouch walking you don’t show up..

I got asked three times “Where can i get some weed?” in Japan last trip.

You’ve only just realised this world is like that?

ughhh why did you switch from youtube to your own thing?

PLEASE. go back to youtube. your player sucks.

what? you could always do that.. why wouldn't you be able to do that?

I don’t know why people suddenly call them a successful pachinko company. They’ve always been a successful pachinko company.

The Playstation UK facebook page says its available now but i dont know where to even do it.

1.5 voices? he’s more than you think, you probably just don’t notice.

Someone’ll crack it. lol

Shrimp burger unfortunate? not satisfied with teriyaki burger? wow lol. would kill for those in my country.

It’s more of a good manner rule.
I mean if you don’t smoke you don’t want someone walking in front of you blowing stupid smoke in your face.

I can’t believe you opened the pocky like that after they slaved away designing a way to open the box cleanly lol.

it's 4.99 on CDKEYS. i wouldn't stress about it. lol