thw cameta is apparently fixed now
thw cameta is apparently fixed now
FF12 HD please
Kingdom hearts i think
She doesn't look anime to me at all.. looks pretty much Japanese
that petition was alot of people saying "you're wrong" but by commenting, they were signing it.. sigh.
anyway, it also said you are encouraged to kill women for health points. when does this happen?
and i dont get how these people think they are above the australian ratings board.. lol
They all come back. I went back to mt chilliad and it was there. once you've done it's not there until you die, then they come back again.
one of the plants is glitched so you must get it last. I think its no.9 on gtaforums list.
Yeah but this is a praticia article..
fuck daylight saving. abolish it already.
Not talking about the region lock. I'm talking about the language lock. (see other replies)
I remember hearing people complaining in Europe, complaining about french dubs with no way to change it. it worked perfectly on 360...
i'm talking about if you set your region to say, germany, you have to have the console in german. It was a problem i heard about when the xbox one launched, so it's still a problem? 360 could do any language in any region so its just weird to me.
So what makes the Xbox One China special? Physically it's completely identical to regular Xbox Ones. Turn it on, and it still has the similar Windows 8-esque interface. However, unlike the ones you can get in other countries, this system is set and locked into China, thus forcing the language to be only in Chinese.
feel like working for sega toshi? Lol.
No biggie, restart the session immedietly after.
i want a new beach volleyball game though.
Yeah, it just seems like when kids say "i wish i was never born!!" it means nothing.. especially when you don't even tweet @ the person. but ya i can see how it would be seen differently.
He's such a child.. but to be honest, who would take that to be a "threat". To me, that isn't a threat. It's an empty threat.
Didn't say I didn't like the article.
These mods have been around since the sims 1, 14 years ago. I don't think there is need to talk about it in the 4th game in the series when it's happened everytime, no.