Noo honestly, my hair type.. it just doesn't work. i have a friend who is a host, he's tried my hair multiple times. it just wont work. lol
Noo honestly, my hair type.. it just doesn't work. i have a friend who is a host, he's tried my hair multiple times. it just wont work. lol
I think it's cute.
May as well add mine while we're here..
what do you mean? kids say "PEW PEW" when pretending to shoot things.. (at least when i was young) probably cos back in old video games, they sounded like that.
nowadays kids are probably are doing real sounds with their voice.
Wait a minute, I'M in Europe! We're actually getting a game relatively early?? woohoo! Looks great too!
The trailer says 12th july.
meh.. how else is she supposed to look like a foreigner?
Every area of FF7 was so beautiful, even now. I'd love to see them in HD. If there ever was an HD remake, i wouldnt want rotatable camera or anything, i'd just take every area and HD it.. same camera angle and everything. it would look tunning.
i have really large hands and my thumbs never touch, you're holding it weird.
It's me, the dialysis dude again. yeah, trust me it's not worth it, even for a Ducati!! You can easily live on 1 kidney, but if that one goes, you're screwed.
Still no date? wow.. -_- its coming out within 6 months and still no date!
Didn't Portal 2 too?
Why has no one made a gif of "monkey face"? lol
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with keifer. ..i just miss hayter already
It's all a mess from the beginning. Liquid snake being another actor, soldius also (except japanese where its the same)
It's a horrible prank and do i think it's a good stunt? no lol
I personally think it's rude to not even let him know.
This is bullshit.
Versus? If only...
Well yeah, but that costs a bomb.. and probably they aren't aiming for complete realism in this. and i feel it looks good enough.