
FINALLY, some proper information about this game. It was announced way back in 2011..I was beginning to think we had another FF versus 13 on our hands.

please go load a ps2 video. you have a case of remembering it looking cool.

Them offering simcity 4 is a joke, right?

Only if they are considered bad words in Simlish. :P

FF13 light effects? didnt know that. when did they announce that?

Only the models have been updated, but it's not even that much, any regular person wouldn't be able to tell the difference without examining up close. At least with the vita models that have been shown anyway.

OMG square just release it. Personally i don't care about this game so much but square has a massive problem of letting down fans. Wether it be not releasing Type-0 outside of Japan, not releasing ANY information on versus 13, taking 2 years to do a remake of FFX HD when its simply an upscale (i assume?) Then they

Yeah, at an expense. And I want Japanese voices and English menus.. UNLESS.. the Asia version is tht (like usual?)

Actually the game models have been upgraded since the original.

Ohh no don't get me wrong the English voices are great. I just think having both should be standard now.

Looks great.

Although FF versus 13 comes to mind. Yes. :)

i'm actually playing now with no problems for 2 hours now.. :)

:( i know..

The Last of Europe launches at midnight. It's only gonna get worse with the whole of the UK jumping on tonight.. including me. ><

after getting all excited i'm now disappointed as i found out it doesnt release in the UK until the 8th.. so even though people will be playing tomorrow elsewhere in the world, i can't download it. :-/ we are the last in the world thats getting the game to get the game.

It'd be fine. Whack it into an HD collection, release the 3rd game through kickstarted funding.. no loss for sega, winwin for us.

Is it me, or .. even though the PS3 has been hacked, not many people pirate stuff for it still? i think sony's done a pretty good job at keeping the pirates away this gen. I mean i could be wrong that hardly anyone is doing it, but i thought i'd hear more about it, i mean when the ps1 and ps2 were around everyone was

We need more talented people working on video games regardless of race.

To be fair, your 60GB PS3 has the chip in to run PS2 games.