
At least Soap has one of the best Knife finishes in gaming history.

People DO pause the game, or even stop mid-game and pan around, just to admire the graphics. That’s nothing new.

Sorry, but to say every game has to be 60fps standard, is just idiotic and laughable.

Where’s the “Not Yet” for No Man’s Sky?

Yes, yes, XBOX LIVE has a pay wall. We ALL know this already. Y’all are starting to sound like a broken record. Harp on it all you want, it’s STILL better than PSN.

Uhhhhh, No it didn’t. It caught up, but the 360 has the edge in sales. In fact, it’s documented proffered that the 360 is around 84 million, while someone is trying to spin the PS3 numbers at 86 million, but there is a Citation on the PS4 numbers. Documented proof leaves the PS4 at 80 million.

This game will go down as the most hyped, no substance, crazily overpriced game in history.

Woah, wait... Y’mean YOU’RE not taking any blame for Hyping up this Overpriced, Unfinished, Indie game Hyped up as a AAA title? Kotaku is trying to ignore the fact, The numerous hype articles on No Mans Sky?

Thus game is trash, it’s an overhyped, overpriced, unpolished, unfinished indie game. Also, paid dlc is coming. And it’s sites such as this one to blame, for the constant similar articles, coming from the Kotakus, the polygons, etc... y’all helped spread the lies that this is a great game.

Oh waitaminute... NOW console wars suck? But it’s sites like Kotaku that helped spread the flames of the console wars!

I have a PC, I have Steam. I have purchased only ONE game on steam, Valkarie Chronicles.

I find it HILARIOUS that y’all mention PC, when Gamers choose Consoles, because they want to sit in front of their TV, on a COUCH, plug in and play, rather than sit on a chair, with a monitor, mouse and keyboard.

Don’t try to spin it, the Game cube STILL sold better and had MORE games.

Don’t dude, these are the blind and rabid. Kojima could’ve made his logo a pile of Poop, and his fanbase would LOVE it.

So he did all that, yet made that shitty logo intro?

Sony Advertising Dollars At Work.

So is the free will to make a comment about it, whether the fan boys like it or not. Free will IS wonderful.

That was....

The Greatest Power-Forward Ever. Actually, the last TRUE powe forward.

Grey Military gear, really? I have a winter Jacket in 5 colors, None are grey. Garnet maybe, Orange, but Grey? Nah. Exaggerate much? From your usage of the word “Grey” in your write up, I’d think so.